miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

38th WeeK

We started the project in groups! I’m going to work with Alexia, Dani, Mia and Bente.  At the beginning I was really interested to know something more about the young criminals and the way of working that field in other countries…but finally in my group we decided to do the project about the teenage mothers. I think is an interesting issue, the truth is that I didn’t think about that topic before, but when my group mates proposed that issue I agreed with them. I don’t know anything about teenage mothers so I think I gonna learn too much in that project! At least I hope so.

I think that the most difficult to do a group project is the beginning. It’s difficult to find a unique way to work, because everyone has their own way of working. The first days of meeting with the group work we were discussing about the “index” of the project, and our first aim was to search some information about our own countries. So at the moment I think we are in a good way…

Richard Lee Stevens came to the class to give us a lecture about the  social policy and social work practice in Europe.
As a social worker (social educator) when you are working with young people, the most important thing, for me, is that you should have to be real, because you are a professional with a knowledge to help the other, but also you are a person with your own problems. So for me the methods you use are not enough, the most important thing is to be real.
Another issue we were talking and I would like to say is that we’re going to work between two different worlds: on one hand the subjective world, as an informal way; and on the other hand the objective world, as a formal way. One of the basis of the social work is to communicate this two “worlds”. For example to work with young people is too important to consider the interests of young people, so this is part of the subjective world, but you as a social worker are in an objective “world”. For me these are the most relevant ideas I learned in that lectures.

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