martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

37th WeeK in Kovenhavn

In this week we did a “student forum”, it means that we were in three small groups to work and discuss about two different texts. I think it’s a very good idea to be in a small groups because I think that it’s an opportunity for everybody, to participate in the discussions, and say whatever he/she want. I’m a shy person and it’s too difficult for me to talk or to participate in a big class, but in a small groups it’s very different, and for me it’s like a “free space” because I can say everything I want.

Well we was discussing a little bit in a groups of three about the first text related to the Social Work in Europe and then we were discussing about “the influence of national cultural traditions on pedagogy: classroom practice in England, France and Germany”. The first text make me think about the difficulties to find a unique way of understanding the social work, because there’re many different countries and each one have its own culture, traditions…and also each country have different needs, different problems to solve, so it’s difficult to find only one way of work.

On Friday morning came to the class the first guest teacher, Anne Mette Danielsen, who spoke about the rights of the children. I think that it’s very important for me, as a social educator to have a minimum idea of the rights that the children have, because I would like to work with that collective, so I think it was helpful for my education. 

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