martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

36th WeeK in Kovenhavn

In that week the first day we were talking a little bit about the history of Denmark. It was an interesting class for me because I like to know something more about the country where I’m studying. I was really surprised when the teacher told us that Denmark is a “new” country, because “only” 20000 years ago it was only ice (the last iceberg).
In the same week we had the opportunity to visit two different Danish institutions. It was really good because I could see the way of working in a Nursery and in a Children’s Home.
Last year, during my practical placement in the University, I was working in a Children’s Home and it was a really good experience for me, both personal and professionally. So it was very nice to see, as I mentioned before, the way of working in a Danish Children’s Home, and I could compared it with my previous experienced in the same field.
The most surprising for me was the geographic situation of the house, because it was a very rich zone of Kovenhavn and that is not usual in my country. Moreover, the way of working of the pedagogues in the house is very similar than the work of the social educators in Catalunya.

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