lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

My first week in Copenhagen!

The first week in Copenhagen is passed and it was quite intense!
The first days were too difficult for me since I didn’t understand what the teachers and my classmates said... and it was a bit frustrating for me! Probably I’ll improve it time by time.
The first days of classes we were working about the educational system established in our own countries, and I realized that all are very different.

We also spoke about the prejudices, prejudgements and preunderstandings. Everyone have prejudices but we should be able to minimize them, because we can’t put everyone into the same box. For example, not all the Japanese people have to know everything about the computers!!!

“Intercultural meeting”
This concept was the protagonist in our multicultural class. I personally think that there are many ways of understanding this concept and everyone is respectable. In my point of view the “intercultural meeting” means that in some place, different cultures are interrelated with each other, it could be through the food, through the language… For example, the camp where we went last week was an intercultural meeting because we were living together for three days, and we are from different countries

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