lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

43rd WeeK

During this week I felt very nervous because of the oral presentation. For me it’s so difficult to speak in public, I really don’t know why but I’m always very nervous to do the oral explanation. Moreover it was in English so it’s still more difficult, but I’m so happy because the presentation was good, and I feel very good with myself.

I have to say that my group was really good and I’m too happy with them, and also I think we did a very good work. It’s always difficult to work in group and even more if we are from different countries, so we have different ways of working. But, as I said before I worked really good with my group mates: Mia, Alexia, Bente and Dani.

About the project…I didn’t know almost anything about the topic of teenage mothers before we made the project. I think it’s too interesting to research information about that issue, because there is not too much information about it in Internet, but everything we found was really important. In the beginning I thought it would be easy to find information but I was wrong…we had to visit the ministries web site to find something interesting.

For me the most interesting thing that we did was the comparison between the three countries: Denmark, France and Spain. I realised that there are many different ways to work with that kind of people and for me the most surprising were the differences of the benefits that received in Denmark than in Spain or in France. Also I didn’t know that there are not laws about that topic and there aren’t specific benefits to help them.

Also it was surprising for me to see that the tasks and roles of the professionals are so similar between the three countries although they have different names. The main difference is that in Spain social educators work a lot the relationship between the families and the girl and in Denmark it is not very usual. However the rest of the tasks are more or less the same.

About the institutions which work with that target group are also very similar in the three countries. I think that the welfare system is too important, because in the three countries are different, so the organization of each country is also different, the values are different, and the way of thinking is different…

We had some dilemmas during the process of the project. The principal one was the importance of the religion in each country, because of the abortion law, in Spain for example the church is still important, due to the strong economical structure and the support of the monarchy, and they have some important presence in the social work. In Denmark and in France the religion doesn’t have any importance in the social field.
We were talking also about the importance of the mass-media in this target group, because in Spain and Denmark exist a television program about teenage mothers where all the girls where a disaster, and they are in a bad way of life so it’s a wrong vision of them because not all the young mothers are like these; also I think that it’s a bad influence for the teenagers because they could think that is they have a child they could appear in the television program and get rich and famous, what is not true.

Any way, for me this project was so interesting because, as I said before, I didn’t know anything about that target group and I can work with them in my job when I finish my education.   

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