lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

40th WeeK

Tim Gully was the guest teacher. He is from England and he came with two English students. I have to say that this day was really stressful for me because I expected a lot about this class but the level of English language was really really high! I couldn’t understand everything and it was a little bit frustrating for me…in any case I liked a lot that class, it was so interesting and the teacher was very good! The topic was “Angels and demonds” and he was speaking about what is the way to work with the youth criminals. Which is the best age to punish the children? In every county is different.

Before the classes we had to read something about “James Bulger murder and his killers Thompson and Venables”, this text was really surprising for me because they only were ten years old, and I never heard anything about it, and it was not too many years ago.

This class made me reflects a lot about that issue. How we had to act against two murderers only ten years old? It’s the best way to put them in a centre until they come of age?  Exist any way that these children learn what is right and what is not…and the main question: WHY two ten years old children decided to kill a kid who only is two years old? Why in this way?

Well the rest of the week was dedicated to the group work. This week we started to write the project, the comparative study between the three countries: Denmark, France and Spain

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