martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

45th WeeK

We spent this week doing the workshops. I was in the sports one. On Monday the teachers make an introduction about the different workshops, the purposes on each and the different Danish institutions where we could work through these creativity workshops.

Also we went to do a practical visit in an institution, and I went in a youth club where they are working through the football. It was so amazing for me and also surprising. And I realised that there are many ways to work with children and young people, and football was a good idea, because the children like to play football and the professional can work with them indirectly.

 During the rest of the week we were trying to climb, and it was fun because I’d never do it before, and I could enjoy the feelings when you’re up of the wall. Moreover we could realised that it can be a tool to work with children, because when the child is climbing, he/she has to trust in you because you are holding them, so you can construct a relationship with the kid, cause you are improving the confidence, that is something very important in our job. Through the climbing, and the volleyball as well, you can work the social skills with the children, also their personal skills and of course the technical skills.

As a conclusion I think I could use the sports as a good and different way of working with different target groups. And also you can work a lot of things of the person.  

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